14 Mart 2013 Perşembe

Is it always equal our first impression to our last and real impression ?
     If you ever participate in an interview, you know how hard is it to introduce yourself correctly to somebody else in 5 or 10 seconds. You have to say the right words in the most proper way.If you know some glamorous adjectives and have a little more confident than others, you are pretty lucky. Thus,one have to keep in mind that having a first,good as well, impression on people is very significant.

     Although your deduction on somebody generally includes one statement,first impact is not a single thing. It occurs due to thousand of things like asserting greeting, a warm smile and natural speeches etc.All of these things come together in 1 second and affect us.We have got a very fascinating and marvelous brain that even we don't want to take these influences account,our subconscious mind would do it again.Therefrom,in most of the literature competitions and some of the teachers who want to be fair while evaluating the exam papers avoid to read the participant/student's name.

     One cannot hides his emotions and thoughts wholly even he tries to do his best. We give a signal to others which called  micro expressions.They are so subtle that one has to be an expert or trained to catch them.

      Some companies has took measurements or lets say they have changed their way to interview the participants.Rather than asking these so-called questions to the participants like what are their best/worst traits or how well they can attribute to firm's development, they have decided to make them in a real-life test. The participants have underwent some challenging situations without noticing its being deliberate like helping the workers having a fire in the firm and saving the life of the interviewer who is having an heart attack at that moment.I think this is a really beneficial way to prevent probable prejudice.

PS: If you want to look at the video that I mention, here is the link.