13 Kasım 2012 Salı

Journal Entry 6

'' In the way of victory,to undergo a severe trial is holy ''

Arka Sıradakiler is one of the Turkish series you may not hear about it.Actually I wish you didn’t hear it because it has neither an original plot nor succesfull acting.Mainly it consists of the teenagers’ life who are in a failed high school.There happens not only some gang fights and drug things but also bullying and extortion.One day an idealist teacher,Kemal, has been assigned to this school and tries to change their behaviours,thinking ways and make them better individuals,but they don’t ready yet for that.After students begin to show progressive,he struggles with the unusual and unethical events that ocur to his students and so on .. I was sometimes watching it while I was eating my dinner.Even if I know it’s disgusting,I couldn’t have helped myself to change the channel.I still don’t know the reason but I know I am not alone.

11 Kasım 2012 Pazar

Jeremy spoke in class today

                 The amazing Pearl jam’s song,from their first album,‘Jeremy’ has always affected me deep inside.It has a true life story which is about a boy who killed himself at the class,in front of the students.Jeremy is a quiet,withdrawn and adolescent boy.He could get attention neither from his parents nor from his peers.One day he come late to english class and his teacher wants him to take permit from director.Jeremy goes out,when he comes he has a gun in his hand and pull the trigger into throat.We all know that most adolescents are self distrust or unsocial.However,to commit suicide is much more than being adolescent.The ones who do it must have really big problems or not stong enough to bear it.This kind of actions have increased since the last two decades,mostly in developed countries.That’s because while the poor people trying to earn their living,the ones who haven’t real problems are searching for problems.We,as youngs,are saying we cannot survive without songs and I believe the melancholic songs are one of the most significant causes for this cases.I’m sorry Pearl Jam but maybe you cause a suicide with this song,too.
This is the uncensored official video,hope you feel the emotion.

7 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Ben bir Odtülüyüm

When I first saw the ‘I brain ODTÜ’ advertisement ,I felt a sort of honour to my university.There were people who succeeded in life and I thought there were more in the reel life.I like the way it is presented however,it would be better if it does not consist of sentences which respresent metu better than perfect.In my opinion, being realistic and showing all the aspects of a issue is much more fascinating for an advertisement than seeing things through rose spectacles.No corporation or no living creature could be that much flawless.For instance,it says metu people don’t accept any border but we have grown up learning not to break rules,even if it limitate us and when we come to Metu everything will be change immediately,right?Not that much easy.Also,the ones who obtain to be educated in Metu is not a whole empty glass but ones that have willing to study,knows his ignorance and trying to fill the empty part of his glass.Thus,Metu only helps them to Nevertheless,I cannot ignore the fact that metu is the place to develop yourself in all aspects and live  freely.You can use your own words and express your opinions no matter how strange,unacceptable it is.All in all,I believe as an Odtülü,I can change the world starting with my immediate environment and I am beginning to do it with the logo of MetuJ

US election: Obama and Romney deadlocked for final push
The US presidential candidates(subject) are(linking verb) in the thick of the final two days of campaigning(phrase),with the outcome still(adverb of frequency) too close to call.
At a rally in New Hampshire, Democratic President Barack Obama said: "We have come too far to turn back(phrasel verb now(adverb of time)."
"We're Americans - we can do anything(adverb)," Republican Mitt Romney told a crowd in the swing(adjective) state of Ohio.
The latest ABC News/Washington Post survey suggests the pair are level with 48% of support.
Mr Romney is also visiting(transitive verb) Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia, while Mr Obama is going on to Florida, Ohio and Colorado.
Both Mr Obama and Mr Romney are showing signs of exhaustion[dependent clause] as they continue their last-gasp dash to seal the deal with undecided(adjective) voters in the marginal(adjective) battleground states that will determine the winner[independent clause].
Former President Bill Clinton was also suffering[dependent clause] as he joined Mr Obama at a rally in Virginia on Saturday, saying he had "given my voice in the service of my president".
Speaking in Concord,New Hampshire,[dependent clause] Mr Obama said he would work across(preposition) party lines to break the political gridlock in Washington, but would not compromise on priorities such as healthcare and college financial aid.
Mr Romney said in his address to a rally in Des Moines, Iowa: "The only thing that stands between us(pronoun) and some of the best years(phrase) we can imagine[subject] is a lack of leadership - and that's why we have elections."
'Love of country'
Campaigning in New Hampshire on Saturday(dependent clause), Mr Romney criticised Mr Obama for(preposition) saying that voting(noun) would be their "best revenge" on the Republicans.
"Vote for revenge?" said Mr Romney. "Let me tell you what I'd like to tell you: Vote for love of country. It is time we lead America to a better(adjective) place."

     I have a lot fun with this video and want to share it :) 

5 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

 My Ideal University

     When dreaming themselves in the university,nearly all teenagers think the best of all options.As for me I dreamt  myself in an ideal university,too. What I want is,firstly,to be educated the most efficently and inclusively way.To equipped myself with the best  woul lead me to be the beyond of others and even what I expect from myself in the academic meaning.Secondly,a university must not only prepare oneself to his profession but the hardships of the real life too.Just only developing myself both in academic and social way,I would be a healty mature.Thirdly,the facilities of university and its condition of accommodotion is very significant for  me to feel myself comfortable both physically and psychologically.All in all,everyone creates his ideal university with his choices,actions and expectations.As to me,I have dreamt best and living it right now.