7 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Ben bir Odtülüyüm

When I first saw the ‘I brain ODTÜ’ advertisement ,I felt a sort of honour to my university.There were people who succeeded in life and I thought there were more in the reel life.I like the way it is presented however,it would be better if it does not consist of sentences which respresent metu better than perfect.In my opinion, being realistic and showing all the aspects of a issue is much more fascinating for an advertisement than seeing things through rose spectacles.No corporation or no living creature could be that much flawless.For instance,it says metu people don’t accept any border but we have grown up learning not to break rules,even if it limitate us and when we come to Metu everything will be change immediately,right?Not that much easy.Also,the ones who obtain to be educated in Metu is not a whole empty glass but ones that have willing to study,knows his ignorance and trying to fill the empty part of his glass.Thus,Metu only helps them to Nevertheless,I cannot ignore the fact that metu is the place to develop yourself in all aspects and live  freely.You can use your own words and express your opinions no matter how strange,unacceptable it is.All in all,I believe as an Odtülü,I can change the world starting with my immediate environment and I am beginning to do it with the logo of MetuJ

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