7 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

US election: Obama and Romney deadlocked for final push
The US presidential candidates(subject) are(linking verb) in the thick of the final two days of campaigning(phrase),with the outcome still(adverb of frequency) too close to call.
At a rally in New Hampshire, Democratic President Barack Obama said: "We have come too far to turn back(phrasel verb now(adverb of time)."
"We're Americans - we can do anything(adverb)," Republican Mitt Romney told a crowd in the swing(adjective) state of Ohio.
The latest ABC News/Washington Post survey suggests the pair are level with 48% of support.
Mr Romney is also visiting(transitive verb) Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia, while Mr Obama is going on to Florida, Ohio and Colorado.
Both Mr Obama and Mr Romney are showing signs of exhaustion[dependent clause] as they continue their last-gasp dash to seal the deal with undecided(adjective) voters in the marginal(adjective) battleground states that will determine the winner[independent clause].
Former President Bill Clinton was also suffering[dependent clause] as he joined Mr Obama at a rally in Virginia on Saturday, saying he had "given my voice in the service of my president".
Speaking in Concord,New Hampshire,[dependent clause] Mr Obama said he would work across(preposition) party lines to break the political gridlock in Washington, but would not compromise on priorities such as healthcare and college financial aid.
Mr Romney said in his address to a rally in Des Moines, Iowa: "The only thing that stands between us(pronoun) and some of the best years(phrase) we can imagine[subject] is a lack of leadership - and that's why we have elections."
'Love of country'
Campaigning in New Hampshire on Saturday(dependent clause), Mr Romney criticised Mr Obama for(preposition) saying that voting(noun) would be their "best revenge" on the Republicans.
"Vote for revenge?" said Mr Romney. "Let me tell you what I'd like to tell you: Vote for love of country. It is time we lead America to a better(adjective) place."

     I have a lot fun with this video and want to share it :) 

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