21 Haziran 2013 Cuma

Multimedia reflection 1

2 nd Reflection

In this article, I want to make my reflections about a famous and current video clip of Justin Timberlake. The song I mention about is ‘ mirrors’ which I really love. I like Justin Timberlake as he has his own style and never changed it since I knew it from my childhood. Besides his being very handsome, he is such a generous and humble man that it is almost impossible for one to not feel attracted to him.  Even if I do not like this kind of music, I love nearly every song of Justin Timberlake but this song has got a special place in me. For his last song, he shot a video clip that touches the hearts. There are two youngsters who have met in a billiard saloon and then began to hang out. They are so happy and their love is not ordinary. In another scene, we see them after at least 50 years while they both are getting older. She goes to the place where they have met and flashback begins. She sees her husband near to her but he was dead recently. However, those two oldies are still together in their memories which are very fresh and real. According to American magazine news, Justin has shot this video for his grandmother. In addition, the ring which is fallen from the sky to Justin at the end of the video is his grandmother’s ring. She gave it to him to give the girl of his life.
The most effecting lyrics is the ‘ I don’t want to lose you now, I’m looking right at the other half of me. It’s like you are my mirror, my mirror is looking back at me. I couldn’t get any bigger with anyone else beside of me’ .

Unfortunately, I think that the last one minute of the song corrupts the coherence and the impact of the videos. It should not be that much long and the awkward voice begins to be annoying. In addition to this, the point that I do not understand is when another young girl and our boy were together in the room. Then our old lady sees that girl in the flashbacks. I think he had cheated her with this girl. In addition to all,the concept and the dresses of 80’s were really charming and reflects it completely.

1 yorum:

  1. My dear Gonca, I really loved your reflection about this video because it's like you reflected my own ideas at the same time. :D Your favorite lyrics are mine too, how are the odds?! An I'm also impressed by the information you mentioned about the ring, I didn't know that one. I mean I really enjoyed your reflection and it was informative also :D I like you girl, keep up your work!
