23 Haziran 2013 Pazar

4 th Reflection

Recently, our country has got a conflict between the government and people all over the country. At first, it began with the attack of police to the people in the demonstration in a national park. The demonstrators were protesting against the destruction of the national park and constructing a shopping mall.  In the park, innocent people were just sitting and passively demonstrating with the placards. The police attacked even the people who were reading books with gas bombs and spray. This photo, girl in the red dress has sprayed by a police, is the head of the leading events.  We seem as a democratic country; however, no democratic country hinders its people using their demonstration rights.

After this starting point, it causes unbelievable and nationwide rebels in İzmir, İstanbul, Ankara, Antalya and most of the other cities. It was such a big union that it includes people from different political parties, different football clubs, and other different people but actually who feel the same about the government till 2003. Unfortunately, to prohibit the big units, police become more angry and use even the out of date gases and the orange spray gas which was prohibited. Of course they were under the rule of the government but some of them exceeded their limit. There were a lot of TOMAs in the street which frightened and sprayed even the old people and the ones who did not aware of what was going on. Still, millions of people shouted and walked against the governments and its unending policies. The point was not just trees in this national park anymore. I do not know how much longer these events will go on but I think authorities should consider what the society wants and implement some regulations.


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