23 Haziran 2013 Pazar

Multimedia reflection 2

This is one of my favourite video clips. The song 'cause you had a bad day' as can be understood from its name, is about two unlucky people whose daily life seems very ordinary and boring. In the clip, we see a man and a woman who lives and feels exactly the same but do not have any connection between each other. They even do not know the other one exists. One day they see each other at the window from their workplaces and afterwards they bump into each othet unintentionally and recognized one another. Both of them do not have enough self-confidence to talk to other one. Consequently, they have found a way to express their feelings and they use the billboard at the subway. They draw however they feel and other one draw another thing the oter day. This goes like that and finally what they draw to the billboard have come true and they come together. Even it seem like fairytale, it is not that much impossible because all of us go through lots of situation and make a decision in the millions of choices.

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