23 Haziran 2013 Pazar

Article Reflection : Can Women And Men Be Friends ?

       In this article ‘ Can Women And Men Be Friends?’,  Cornille Chotterjee states the possibilities to not to be lover with opposite sex. He states that by giving different items and collects the reasons under the items. I like the way he thinks because he did not give items only under the number of ordinary names but use a different way as he named them as ‘challenge’. He mentions some obstacles and gives logical reasons for men and women to have only love relationship. He generally states the society’s pressure and media’s pressure and taboos. I think he is right about the society affects the  and mostly prohibits women and men to be friends because we have been taught since primary school that other sex is the one who we must avoid and there must be some cross-sex roles and responsibilities like house work is done by women and only men goes to work. It is an obvious fact that not only men work or women make house works anymore. According to writer, this situation has really affected the way people see each other as they are together in different stages and cases. I totally agree to him also I believe the characteristics of both sexes have changed too. Women become stronger in every area and consequently powerful and working women have appeared. In addition, men have started to show fragile and feminine behaviors at some degree. In my opinion, they have more mutual interests and this leads them to be more close and friendly to each other. Consequently, I do not believe that women andmen are from different planets so they can not be friends. It is definitely not the case as we all live at the same world together and one may get close his/her opposite sex in terms of friendship..Like the writer says ‘it’s not all about sex’.

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