23 Haziran 2013 Pazar

Article reflection : Show Me The WayTo Go Home


               In the article ‘Show Me The Way To Go home’, Anastasia Tufexia briefly mentions about the hardships and benefits of staying with parents. It is a fact that lots of people stay wıth their parents even they become an adult.To start te issue, the writer talks about a story and I think the hook which the writer uses is a good one. She gives a lot of examples from daily live. I think the fact that she has given so much concrete proofs from people’s life is very convincing. She shows us what consequences might be appear such as lack of privacy or having been limited about their relationship.  I strongly believe that it is better to live away from family as the freedom is not something achievable  under their shelter. One must goes through some hardships alone and then he or she can takes pleasure from the other benefits of living aeay from family. However,like the writer says, there are some benefits of living with parents as one does not have to pay billfor rent or other house expenditures. In addition, love and affection of your family is always with you and you can feel it anytime you want. Even if I like the content, I do not like the way she made the end. There is no conclusion but the only example and a sudden end.

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