20 Ocak 2013 Pazar




                ‘’One day consists of 86, 400 seconds. Each one is containing countless options, possibilities and decisions of which only one can emerge.86, 400 seconds... This is one of them ‘’. What a wonderful introduction. You can fall in love with this short film even you have just watched first 15 seconds of it. The writer’s observation about life and possibilities is very fascinating. Also, he could transmit his perception to right words which is so hard for lots of people.
                   Why is it so hard to say hi to a stranger, or talk with a friend who is not that much close to you? I never understand why we are ashamed of been misunderstood. And we are being misunderstood when we have not got enough courage to say what we want to / should say. I wish everyone would be aware of that we live only one life consisting of endless possibilities and we should live it happily and freely as much as it can be.
                  Every time I watch this video, I have felt the courage in myself to be more active and social. I become more fearless to express my feelings and opinions because it is better to say it rather than been misinterpreted. This video is a very short film and it is really worth to give 2, 03 seconds of your life. 

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