19 Ocak 2013 Cumartesi



                 Life is a school of probability. Every choice is a renunciation from another possibility. I always wonder what if i did not make this selection, how my life would be. And this kind of questions make me think twice even when I am making a negligible choice. This issue is quite relevant to destiny. Although I believe in fate, I also believe that there is a free will and we make our choices consciously.There are written lots of possibilities for each of us and we choose one of them.Therefore, I believe we are not more or less than what we choose. 

              In addition, one cannot blame to fate or God because of his or her mistakes and unhappiness.I usually remember the quote 'The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own.You do not blame them on anyone or anything.You realize that you control your own destiny ' written by Albert Ellis. In my opinion, there is no such a mishap but there is wrong decisions. The question and answer is inside of us which should be found out by ourselves. Then we can keep away from being mad. 

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  1. Bu yorum yazar tarafından silindi.

  2. Dear Gonca,

    “In my opinion, there is no such a mishap, but there are wrong decisions.” corrected sentence

    I really enjoyed reading your journal entry because you have a nice style of writing. To begin with your title is appropriate since it reflects the theme of your writing. When it comes to the content of your journal, it is one of the most common and prevailing issues of our time. So the subject drew my attention. You have developed your opinions effectively by giving relevant supporting sentences. Considering your organization, I think your journal is very well-organized. You have used connectors properly. I can say that your focusing on two different content in each two paragraph helped me understand better. In general, you have grouped the ideas about the same topic together into two paragraphs. There are just small mistakes, but other than that it is wonderful and impressing. I have common opinions with you on this subject and I am glad that you chose this topic; you explain it clearly.
