22 Ocak 2013 Salı


A Philosopher’s World

            We are living in the world where we don’t know much about it physically and mentally. We are living around our neighborhood and only see some places that near to us or where our relatives live. Rather living in our borders, we should exceed our borders and expand it. Even if this is not possible in terms of physical resources, it is possible if you begin studying philosophy. In contrast to what a minority of people think, when you are into the philosophy, you don’t become an irreligious person or a convert.
            Philosophy is a love of wisdom in the classic and common terms. You leave your prejudices and unknown intuitions and open a new door while studying philosophy.
            What is most important in life? If we ask a starving person, he will answer food. Someone who is cold will say ‘warmth’. Even if all are satisfied, man needs something more. Philosophers say that we have a need to know who we are and why we exist. The best approach to philosophy is to ask philosophical questions. Who am I? Where does the world come from? The answer is inside of us and we can find it through philosophy. 


1 yorum:

  1. Dear Gonca,
    First of all I want to stres your mistakes about your language using. To start with, in this sentence “We are living in the world where we don’t know much about (it) physically and mentally.” I want to ask you what is “it”? You can’t use “it” before you explain it. So, in here, this “it” is indefinite and it deteriorates your telling of the subject. Then I think, there is a language deficiency in this phrase “In contrast to what a minority of people think” or you didn’t use proper form. I think you should correct it, too. Regarding the organization of your work, you have nicely grouped your ideas but you can pay more attention to this. Also, it very nice to read your journal, I liked you topic but I find this text very short. You should have added some information and I think should do, too. All in all, this journal is good but short one.
