23 Haziran 2013 Pazar


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Sahra gungor http://magicalbusstop.blogspot.com/2013/06/media-entry-3-dear-god-by-avenged.html#comment-form

Munıse gultekın 

Multimedia reflection 2

This is one of my favourite video clips. The song 'cause you had a bad day' as can be understood from its name, is about two unlucky people whose daily life seems very ordinary and boring. In the clip, we see a man and a woman who lives and feels exactly the same but do not have any connection between each other. They even do not know the other one exists. One day they see each other at the window from their workplaces and afterwards they bump into each othet unintentionally and recognized one another. Both of them do not have enough self-confidence to talk to other one. Consequently, they have found a way to express their feelings and they use the billboard at the subway. They draw however they feel and other one draw another thing the oter day. This goes like that and finally what they draw to the billboard have come true and they come together. Even it seem like fairytale, it is not that much impossible because all of us go through lots of situation and make a decision in the millions of choices.

2nd reflection - gun control


               Recently, there has been a debate in White House over gun control should be expanded or not. While Obama strictly wants to apply gun control, Romney defend the right of using guns. The debate still does not come to an end. Especially inAmerica, most of the people have handguns and the number of killings caused by guns are higher rates than any other injurance. Even the boys can reach a gun easily and this causes school shootings which shoul not be underestimated. If her or his parents did not have guns, they would not reach it easily and also the idea of killing would not be that much normal. Thus, kids begin to naturalize the idea of killing and consequently more violent young people have appeared on the state. Although Romney states that people are using guns as an ornamental or hunting or other innocent aims, thisis not the case as these people are exception and they are less as number when compared to others who do harm. In addition, I believe that  there must be strict laws to protect people from shooting. If the government did not control its people and provide a safe place for its people, then who would do that?  Thus, it is necessary for the governments to stop the millions of killing by aplying stricter laws.

Article Reflection : powerphrases

             In the article 'Power Phrases : The Key To Winning Respect', Meryl Runion briefly mentions about why some people gain more respect than others even if they have done the same thing and are under the same condition. The author gives some examples and then starts to give keys about what to do and what should not been done to raise our voice and to be recognized. Like the author thinks, I believe that it is not important what you say but it is more imporant how you say. Our manners mostly determine our characteristics and even our clothes, our financial status and the way we talk are the factors which makes us a respectful person.I really agree with the author in her opinion that among all of the factors, the most important one is our phrases. In addition, she gives some keys and one of them is to talk less but say more. Consequently, I believe that we arüe not more than how we behave and what we say to others.

Article reflection : Show Me The WayTo Go Home


               In the article ‘Show Me The Way To Go home’, Anastasia Tufexia briefly mentions about the hardships and benefits of staying with parents. It is a fact that lots of people stay wıth their parents even they become an adult.To start te issue, the writer talks about a story and I think the hook which the writer uses is a good one. She gives a lot of examples from daily live. I think the fact that she has given so much concrete proofs from people’s life is very convincing. She shows us what consequences might be appear such as lack of privacy or having been limited about their relationship.  I strongly believe that it is better to live away from family as the freedom is not something achievable  under their shelter. One must goes through some hardships alone and then he or she can takes pleasure from the other benefits of living aeay from family. However,like the writer says, there are some benefits of living with parents as one does not have to pay billfor rent or other house expenditures. In addition, love and affection of your family is always with you and you can feel it anytime you want. Even if I like the content, I do not like the way she made the end. There is no conclusion but the only example and a sudden end.

Article Reflection : Can Women And Men Be Friends ?

       In this article ‘ Can Women And Men Be Friends?’,  Cornille Chotterjee states the possibilities to not to be lover with opposite sex. He states that by giving different items and collects the reasons under the items. I like the way he thinks because he did not give items only under the number of ordinary names but use a different way as he named them as ‘challenge’. He mentions some obstacles and gives logical reasons for men and women to have only love relationship. He generally states the society’s pressure and media’s pressure and taboos. I think he is right about the society affects the  and mostly prohibits women and men to be friends because we have been taught since primary school that other sex is the one who we must avoid and there must be some cross-sex roles and responsibilities like house work is done by women and only men goes to work. It is an obvious fact that not only men work or women make house works anymore. According to writer, this situation has really affected the way people see each other as they are together in different stages and cases. I totally agree to him also I believe the characteristics of both sexes have changed too. Women become stronger in every area and consequently powerful and working women have appeared. In addition, men have started to show fragile and feminine behaviors at some degree. In my opinion, they have more mutual interests and this leads them to be more close and friendly to each other. Consequently, I do not believe that women andmen are from different planets so they can not be friends. It is definitely not the case as we all live at the same world together and one may get close his/her opposite sex in terms of friendship..Like the writer says ‘it’s not all about sex’.

4 th Reflection

Recently, our country has got a conflict between the government and people all over the country. At first, it began with the attack of police to the people in the demonstration in a national park. The demonstrators were protesting against the destruction of the national park and constructing a shopping mall.  In the park, innocent people were just sitting and passively demonstrating with the placards. The police attacked even the people who were reading books with gas bombs and spray. This photo, girl in the red dress has sprayed by a police, is the head of the leading events.  We seem as a democratic country; however, no democratic country hinders its people using their demonstration rights.

After this starting point, it causes unbelievable and nationwide rebels in İzmir, İstanbul, Ankara, Antalya and most of the other cities. It was such a big union that it includes people from different political parties, different football clubs, and other different people but actually who feel the same about the government till 2003. Unfortunately, to prohibit the big units, police become more angry and use even the out of date gases and the orange spray gas which was prohibited. Of course they were under the rule of the government but some of them exceeded their limit. There were a lot of TOMAs in the street which frightened and sprayed even the old people and the ones who did not aware of what was going on. Still, millions of people shouted and walked against the governments and its unending policies. The point was not just trees in this national park anymore. I do not know how much longer these events will go on but I think authorities should consider what the society wants and implement some regulations.


21 Haziran 2013 Cuma

3 rd Reflection

My third reflection is about the song of the eddie vedder ‘society’. He has got very broad and logical perceptions about life. The song is about corrupting society and the life itself. It is an obvious fact that individuals deteriorates in some ways as the years pass. We do not respect each other’s ideas, rights and just consume all the things without producing anything.
This song has been used as a soundtrack in the film ‘Into the Wild’ which everyone should see. It is based on a true story. In the plot, Christopher McCandless abandons all of his possessions and gives all of his money to charity. After that, he begins to hitchhike to Alaska where his biggest goal in life is. He encounters different kinds of people who changes and shapes his approach to life. When he reaches there, he spends his time reading and discovering the wilderness. He is tired of the stereotypes of society but he is not ready for the nature’s cruelness, too. He catches up a disease and at the moment of death he finally finds out in the pages of a book that ‘happiness is only real when shared’. I think this is the most effecting scene.

Here is the photograph of the real Alexander Supertamp.

At the end, however strong we are, sometimes we cannot make it on our own. The people around us are the ones who make our life more beautiful and bearable. We are not born alone and it is better not to die alone.

Multimedia reflection 1

2 nd Reflection

In this article, I want to make my reflections about a famous and current video clip of Justin Timberlake. The song I mention about is ‘ mirrors’ which I really love. I like Justin Timberlake as he has his own style and never changed it since I knew it from my childhood. Besides his being very handsome, he is such a generous and humble man that it is almost impossible for one to not feel attracted to him.  Even if I do not like this kind of music, I love nearly every song of Justin Timberlake but this song has got a special place in me. For his last song, he shot a video clip that touches the hearts. There are two youngsters who have met in a billiard saloon and then began to hang out. They are so happy and their love is not ordinary. In another scene, we see them after at least 50 years while they both are getting older. She goes to the place where they have met and flashback begins. She sees her husband near to her but he was dead recently. However, those two oldies are still together in their memories which are very fresh and real. According to American magazine news, Justin has shot this video for his grandmother. In addition, the ring which is fallen from the sky to Justin at the end of the video is his grandmother’s ring. She gave it to him to give the girl of his life.
The most effecting lyrics is the ‘ I don’t want to lose you now, I’m looking right at the other half of me. It’s like you are my mirror, my mirror is looking back at me. I couldn’t get any bigger with anyone else beside of me’ .

Unfortunately, I think that the last one minute of the song corrupts the coherence and the impact of the videos. It should not be that much long and the awkward voice begins to be annoying. In addition to this, the point that I do not understand is when another young girl and our boy were together in the room. Then our old lady sees that girl in the flashbacks. I think he had cheated her with this girl. In addition to all,the concept and the dresses of 80’s were really charming and reflects it completely.

17 Haziran 2013 Pazartesi

1st reflection : Never Let Me Go

1 st Reflection

The book 'Never Let Me Go' written by Kazuo Ishiguro has affected me deep inside. At first my teacher from preparation school has advised me; then, I read and love it. In the plot, there are 3 main characters who are together since their childhood and there is something different in their lives.(The rest contains spoiler).The big secret behind themselves is that they are twins of some diseased people who need an organ and donor. Thus, the superpowers have created them to sacrifice their lives by giving away their organs when they have reached their 20's.Ruth and Tommy are lovers and Katy is their best friends. However, Kathy loves Tommy more than Ruth does. One day an authority says them that if two person are very fall in love to each other, there is a chance for them to save their lives by proving their love. They have been educated as artists and they have to draw or compose or be successful in another kind of art. When they learn that they can protect themselves by proving their true love, they think that all of the art products they have made makes sense anymore. The only way to prove it is to show the  authorities their old pieces of art and make them sure about their love. However, Ruth does not really love Tommy so, Tommy and Kathy must be together to survive and move onto their lives. In the end, Tommy breaks up with Ruth and be a couple with Kathy but they cannot survive as it revealed that this is an only fake and uncorroborated knowledge.

I like the way the characters talk. Kathy represents the voice 
of patience and love. Ruth is like a passionate and 
unbeatable fighter and Tommy is a fragile but strong boy. Kazuo describes people, situations and their relationships such a successful way that one cannot stay calm while reading and watching the movie. Although a lot of books are not successful when they have been shot in cinema, this is one of the exceptions and very effective film.

In the film Carey Mulligan has acted as Kathy, Andrew Garfield is Tommy and Ella Purnell is Ruth.The perspectives of scenes is brilliant. The film is so pathetic that most of the time I have watched it with wet eyes. After one sees the film, it is inevitable to think if there are these kinds of actions like cloning in the development powers.

14 Mart 2013 Perşembe

Is it always equal our first impression to our last and real impression ?
     If you ever participate in an interview, you know how hard is it to introduce yourself correctly to somebody else in 5 or 10 seconds. You have to say the right words in the most proper way.If you know some glamorous adjectives and have a little more confident than others, you are pretty lucky. Thus,one have to keep in mind that having a first,good as well, impression on people is very significant.

     Although your deduction on somebody generally includes one statement,first impact is not a single thing. It occurs due to thousand of things like asserting greeting, a warm smile and natural speeches etc.All of these things come together in 1 second and affect us.We have got a very fascinating and marvelous brain that even we don't want to take these influences account,our subconscious mind would do it again.Therefrom,in most of the literature competitions and some of the teachers who want to be fair while evaluating the exam papers avoid to read the participant/student's name.

     One cannot hides his emotions and thoughts wholly even he tries to do his best. We give a signal to others which called  micro expressions.They are so subtle that one has to be an expert or trained to catch them.

      Some companies has took measurements or lets say they have changed their way to interview the participants.Rather than asking these so-called questions to the participants like what are their best/worst traits or how well they can attribute to firm's development, they have decided to make them in a real-life test. The participants have underwent some challenging situations without noticing its being deliberate like helping the workers having a fire in the firm and saving the life of the interviewer who is having an heart attack at that moment.I think this is a really beneficial way to prevent probable prejudice.

PS: If you want to look at the video that I mention, here is the link.

22 Ocak 2013 Salı

My Comments On My Friends' Entries







          I was introduced to this book when i was at the high school by my philosophy teacher. After these years, I am really thankful for him because this book caused me to have a new perception of life and filled my ignorance.

          The book is about a girl who is given fictional characters in her birthday from her father. Her father actually intends to give his daughter the book he wrote for her but the characters in the book suddenly exist in life and they begin a journey through philosophical events and people.


             I recently have the chance to watch the film and it satisfied me in terms of processing of the issue. Even if it was shot around 1998 and has a low quality of screen, it has a deep influence in me, most probably because of its content. Whoever played the characters, I would like it. However, i really like the acting of Silje Storstein.

            Consequently, if you are interested in finding the secrets in you and the world around you, it would be better if you watch this film and learn something unfamiliar to you.


A Philosopher’s World

            We are living in the world where we don’t know much about it physically and mentally. We are living around our neighborhood and only see some places that near to us or where our relatives live. Rather living in our borders, we should exceed our borders and expand it. Even if this is not possible in terms of physical resources, it is possible if you begin studying philosophy. In contrast to what a minority of people think, when you are into the philosophy, you don’t become an irreligious person or a convert.
            Philosophy is a love of wisdom in the classic and common terms. You leave your prejudices and unknown intuitions and open a new door while studying philosophy.
            What is most important in life? If we ask a starving person, he will answer food. Someone who is cold will say ‘warmth’. Even if all are satisfied, man needs something more. Philosophers say that we have a need to know who we are and why we exist. The best approach to philosophy is to ask philosophical questions. Who am I? Where does the world come from? The answer is inside of us and we can find it through philosophy. 


21 Ocak 2013 Pazartesi



          The play of George Orwell, Animal Farm, firstly was performed in repertoire at the Olivier Theatre from 27 September to 3 April 1985. Then it was performed in other countries and theatres and finally was shot as a film.
          This animated film is visually and contently satisfied me. When I first watched it, I was around eight years old and did not get more than what it seems. Later,I have watched it again with the necessary basic knowledge and it makes more sense to me. I like animations because they take me a journey into a more beautiful and fantastic world. Also, this one makes me think about a serious and uncomfortable issue. Even if its image quality is not that much good, it compensate this deficiency with the amazing farm and animals illustrations.

         I want to share about the seven rules valid in the animal farm

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.


Animal Farm

 George Orwell, whose real name is Eric Arthur Blair, did not become what his parents wanted, in contrast he followed his dreams and became a journalist and writer. He wrote lots of little stories but none of them has the effect as his allegorical novella ‘Animal Farm’.
          When we just look at the book’s name and its content, one can think that it is just a fable. However, if you go behind of it, you can find more interesting and uncomfortable background. The story is about USSR and Russian Revolution.
         The animals living in the farm are more than just animals. Each of them reflects an important character which has a deep effect of that time diplomacy. One of the head characters Napoleon reflects the Stalin and the other, Snowball, represents Trotsky. Mollie represents the enemies of the state and Old Major represents Lenin, Marx and Engels. 
          One of my favourite quote from Animal Farm is that all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.That is it ! 


Village Institutes

            I am quite interested in the village institutes issue and when I was searching it on the internet, I have found this video which is really impressed me. Can Dündar is one of my favourite writers who has got a very similar perception of life to me and he has approached the village issues very objectively.

           There are lots of people who were graduated from village institutes in the video and they are sharing their experiences about it. I really find it useful for one to understand how the village institutes were. Also, there is one alumni from my previous high school ‘ Aksu Anatolian Teacher Training High School ‘ which is deeply impressed me.
           Our country’s and the institutes’ physical situation and life standard was quite poor and miserable at that time. They even did not get sufficient meal and accommodation. . Although I am very glad to watch it, it is not satisfied me in terms of its documents which are not enough as visual. However, I can understand that it is because of the incapability of reaching technology.
           Consequently, whatever we do or wherever we are, we should not forget our ancestors. We did not undergo financial and physical hardships as they did. We must be appreciated for this and show our thanks for all the things they did.


20 Ocak 2013 Pazar



                                    Village Institutes
          Around 40’s and 50’s, we had the education system that was very useful for both students and development of the country. It was founded by Ismail Hakkı Tonguç and Hasan Ali Yücel.
          Students were accepted to village institutes with 30 Turkish Lira and after they graduated, they had to make at least 20 years of compulsory duty for the government. They were sent to the villages to reconstruct the rural areas and to teach the people how to make agriculture. They did not take only academical lessons; they also take art, agriculture and cultural education. They built their own buildings and they raised their own fruits and vegetables. In addition, they had to play at least one instrument and took another art lesson which was generally sewing for girls and fixing for boys. They had got Saturday meeting in which the week was evaluated by students and teachers in every aspect. All of the people, even the head of the school, were equal and had got the same vote for evaluating. They could express themselves very plainly. Even once, the head of the minister of education came and the cook had made him a special menu for the lunch, students could bring this into issue at the weekend meeting and complained about it.
            Consequently, village institutes were closed down by with the assertion that it increased the gap between peasant and city-dweller. However, there is more than what it seems. Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan must be searched if you are into this case. Foreign countries came to observe how it was presented and after they took the concept we shut down our village institutes. And developed countries still have this conception of education. We have started our improvement and contemporary with our hands until we have killed it with the same hands. 




                ‘’One day consists of 86, 400 seconds. Each one is containing countless options, possibilities and decisions of which only one can emerge.86, 400 seconds... This is one of them ‘’. What a wonderful introduction. You can fall in love with this short film even you have just watched first 15 seconds of it. The writer’s observation about life and possibilities is very fascinating. Also, he could transmit his perception to right words which is so hard for lots of people.
                   Why is it so hard to say hi to a stranger, or talk with a friend who is not that much close to you? I never understand why we are ashamed of been misunderstood. And we are being misunderstood when we have not got enough courage to say what we want to / should say. I wish everyone would be aware of that we live only one life consisting of endless possibilities and we should live it happily and freely as much as it can be.
                  Every time I watch this video, I have felt the courage in myself to be more active and social. I become more fearless to express my feelings and opinions because it is better to say it rather than been misinterpreted. This video is a very short film and it is really worth to give 2, 03 seconds of your life. 

19 Ocak 2013 Cumartesi



                 Life is a school of probability. Every choice is a renunciation from another possibility. I always wonder what if i did not make this selection, how my life would be. And this kind of questions make me think twice even when I am making a negligible choice. This issue is quite relevant to destiny. Although I believe in fate, I also believe that there is a free will and we make our choices consciously.There are written lots of possibilities for each of us and we choose one of them.Therefore, I believe we are not more or less than what we choose. 

              In addition, one cannot blame to fate or God because of his or her mistakes and unhappiness.I usually remember the quote 'The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own.You do not blame them on anyone or anything.You realize that you control your own destiny ' written by Albert Ellis. In my opinion, there is no such a mishap but there is wrong decisions. The question and answer is inside of us which should be found out by ourselves. Then we can keep away from being mad. 

15 Ocak 2013 Salı

Device ..

GMD LANGUAGE DEVİCE                                                                                                  

           We have design a device that helps foreign people understand the native speakers' speeches better.We decided to do that because contrary to what is common(teach the beginners),we want to improve the ones who already know English.It is not for new beginners, but especially for the A2 and B1 levels. There are not any age limitation but it is better between 16 - 25. There are two wires,one of which on the left and another is on the right. Left one has got a button which records the sentences. Right one has got the microphe which repeats the sentences and give the user vocabulary if he or she needs. There are controlers and operators at the bottom of the hood.Inside of the hood, the speakers are included.

Gonca - Munise - Diana